Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: Rape and attempted rape are always resonant. They occupy a significant place in the structure of crime, and are typically accompanied by violence and cruelty, but are also one of the crimes most often staged by victims due to various circumstances. Materials and Methods: Legal-logic method, rather legal analysis, statistical methods of observation and data processing, investigative and case law analyses and questioning are used in this research work. Rather legal analyses made it possible to reveal cases of staging rape at all stages of criminal proceedings according to investigative and case law analyses but it is also possible that convictions are not given to innocent people. Results: One of the factors contributing to this circumstance is the lack of methodological developments to identify this type of staging, including through the observation of the crime scene as well. The quality production and the skillful investigation of the detected traces of crime pointed to by the «victim» are considered to be one of her main ways. The article deals with the relevance of the topic, analyzes the concept and content of the rape staging, the role of the crime scene observation in any incident and some particular features of surveying the area, identification of the rape staging by means of its manufacture. This article is based on the analysis of literary sources, the practice of the activity of the internal affairs bodies: the study of criminal cases and preliminary examination materials, the questioning of the investigative and operational divisions of the Irkutsk region. Discussion and Conclusion: Some recommendations are given on the tactical special features of the crime scene observation in the case of identifying the staged rape.

criminalistics, staging, criminal, victim, preparation, concealment, observation of the crime scene, negative circumstances, investigation

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