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Abstract (English):
Introduction: in the article, based on the analysis of modern criminal, criminal executive, criminal procedural and civil legislation, law enforcement practice, legal literature, the existing terminological differences in the norms regulating the compensation of damage and other forms of damages caused by the crime are considered. Materials and Methods: the study is based, first of all, on dialectical method, as well as the method of analysis and synthesis. As private-scientific methods of cognition, the formal-logical dogmatic, semantic, comparative-legal (comparative) are used. Results: suggestions on unification of terms related to compensation of damages and reparation caused by crime in other ways in Russian legislation and legal literature. Discussion and Conclusions: a number of issues in the conceptual system of the legal category of compensation for damage and other forms of compensation for harm caused by a crime have been identified. The necessity of developing a unified approach to the formation of the conceptual system in the legislation and the doctrine of criminal law is substantiated, which allows correct determining the type of harm caused by crime and ways of neutralizing it.

vred, uscherb, ubytki, vozmeschenie, zaglazhivanie
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